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MDIS Announcement 8th December 2021

The OPC Foundation Takes Ownership of the MDIS Sub-Sea Standard

The OPC Foundation (OPCF) is proud to announce that it consolidated and taken over the MCS-DCS Interface Standardisation (MDIS) specification ownership.  Effective immediately, as with all OPCF Companion Specifications, MDIS is freely available for adoption by all interested parties at no additional cost. The OPCF MDIS working group, co-chaired by Markus Koenig from SubSea, Tim Fortin from Honeywell, and Paul Hunkar from DS Interoperability, now oversees the ongoing maintenance and expansion of the standard. Original MDIS network group members will continue working in the OPCF working group. The OPC Foundation invites all members interested in helping shape the future of the MDIS specification to join the MDIS working group.

For complete details see:


MDIS Webinar: 3rd February 2021


MDIS (Master Control Station / Distributed Control System) Webinar including companies like Equinor, Siemens, OneSubsea

Download 2 pager flyer here

  • Session 1: Register here
    08:00 - 09:00 (GMT)
    09:00 - 10.00 (CET)
    16:00 - 17:00 (Perth)
  • Session 2: Register here
    10:00 - 11:00 (CST)
    16:00 - 17:00 (GMT)
    17:00 - 18.00 (CET)
3rd May 2017

28th MDIS meeting held at OTM's offices in Great Burgh, Epsom

28th MDIS meeting held at OTM's offices in Great Burgh, Epsom

13th January 2017

MDIS Standard has been published via the OPC Foundation at the following link

The press release regarding the publication can be read on the OTM website at the link below.

16th December 2016

MDIS article is published in latest addition of the OPC Foundation newsletter

7th December 2016

The 27th MDIS meeting was held in Paris. The MDIS Standard is nearing completion and will be released in early January.

22nd September 2016

Following 2 days of successful testing the MDIS members welcomed representatives from several operating companies to witness the MDIS interface first hand.

MDIS members completing IOP testing - September 2016

MDIS members completing IOP testing - September 2016

19th September 2016

The 26th MDIS meeting and 2nd IOP test began in Houston. The morning consisted of set up, with testing beginning in the afternoon

23rd February 2016

The 25th MDIS meeting is being held in Houston. This will be the final meeting before the IOP test in September 2016, work will focus on finalising the test specification and the MDIS Companion Specification.

9th December 2015

The 24th MDIS meeting was held in London. The decision was made to postpone the next IOP test to September 2016.

22nd September 2015

The 23rd MDIS meeting kicked off in Houston. The meeting will be working towards the next IOP test to be held in February 2016 as well as beginning to work on the MDIS Recommended Practice.

19th August 2015

MDIS featured in Offshore Magazine - Article can be found here

23rd June 2015

OPC Foundation has published an article written by Paul Hunkar on the successful IOP Test in Amsterdam, the article can be accessed via the OPC Foundation website here.

12th June 2015

The MDIS group completed a very successful week of testing in Amsterdam from 8th - 11th June. The testing involved 6 servers and 6 clients all being able to connect together in pairs and talk to one another completing a series of test cases that had been made available before the testing.

May 2015

New MDIS website launched

April 2015

MDIS members are busy preparing for the first Interoperability Test to be held in Amsterdam in June this year. This will be the first opportunity member companies have to test their equipment with other vendors. The aim of this test is to understand each vendors' interpretation of the MDIS objects to improve the definitions and provide input for the MDIS recommended practice.